Next Steps for F-1 Visa Students

After you've been admitted to TCC, complete the following steps before you register for classes.

Step 1: Log in to Your TCC Student Email Account

  1. Log in to your TCC student email account.
  2. Send an email from your account to

This will confirm your account is active.

Step 2: Take International Student Orientation

After the International Student Admissions & Compliance office has confirmed your student email account is active, we will send you a link to the online International Student Orientation.

You must complete the orientation and receive a 100% on the orientation quiz.

Step 3: Submit Remaining Documents

Student Agreement Form and Data Form

International Student Admissions & Compliance will email you a Student Agreement Form and a Data Form.

Complete these forms and email them back to International Student Admissions & Compliance in a PDF format.

Meningococcal Meningitis Vaccination Documentation

If you did not already submit this documentation with your admissions application, you must submit it before enrolling in classes at TCC.

The vaccine paperwork must be submitted in a PDF format.

Vaccinations are only required if you are under 22 years old.

Vaccinations are valid for 5 years. Learn more about meningitis vaccinations requirements.

Step 4: Meet with a Success Coach

Success Coaches provide support in the registration process, and your transition into college.

Meeting with a Success Coach is required for all first-time-in-college (FTIC) students.

With a Success Coach, you will:

  • Review FTIC requirements
  • Complete the Pre-Assessment Activity (PAA)
  • Obtain a Texas Success Initiative (TSI) Assessment referral
  • Create a MyPlan referral (if your major is undecided)
  • Take the Online Readiness Assessment (if you are enrolling in any online courses)

Contact our Success Coaches.

Step 5: Complete Any Testing Requirements

Your Success Coach will let you know which tests you are required to complete before registering for classes.

Common test requirements include, but are not limited to:

For more information on other tests, visit Testing Services.

Step 6: Meet with an Advisor

Advisors help you plan out your academic and personal goals.

Meeting with an advisor is required for all new F-1 visa students.

When you meet with a career advisor, you:

  • Review your TSI Assessment placement scores
  • Choose courses
  • Request a PDF copy of your degree plan

Tell your advisor you are an F-1 visa student and if you are in the Language Pathway Program (LPP).

Contact our advisors.

Step 7: Register for Classes

Email the PDF copy of your degree plan to International Student Admissions & Compliance. After we receive your degree plan, you will register for classes.

You may only take classes for the major listed on your Form I-20.

Language Learning Pathway (LPP) students must take ESOL class(es).

Learn how to get started registering for classes.

We are here to help!

For questions, contact our International Student Admissions & Compliance Office.

Updated June 03, 2024