Graduate from TCC

Congratulations! You've completed all the requirements and are now ready to graduate. Learn more about how to apply for graduation and our graduation ceremony.

What do I do about my I-20?

Upon completing your degree requirements, you are required to contact International Student Admissions & Compliance. You will be issued an updated I-20 to reflect your completion-of-studies date, if your I-20 needs to be shortened.

This new date on your I-20 is very important. You will have 60 days from this date to choose one of the following:

  • Apply for OPT
  • Depart the U.S.
  • Transfer to another U.S. school
  • Apply to USCIS for a change of visa status

You must take action during this 60-day period to avoid losing your F1 status.

However, if you are interested in staying at TCC and starting a new program, you will need to submit updated financial documents (such as proof of financial support) and a new degree plan with at least 2 semesters worth of classes before your current I-20 expires.

Whatever action you take, you must notify International Student Admissions & Compliance of your plans. Complete and submit the Graduation Checklist and Exit Survey (PDF)Listen so we may follow up with you about your plans.

What should I do if I can graduate from TCC with fewer than 12 credit hours?

You may enroll part-time if you are entering your last term of study before graduation and need fewer than 12 hours to complete degree requirements.

Verify that your program in Student Summary in Hello!TCC and the program on your I-20 form both reflect the correct academic program you are working toward. Also verify that the program end date on your I-20 is correct.

If updates need to be made to your I-20, contact International Student Admissions & Compliance for assistance.

If I do not graduate on time, can I extend my F1 status?

Yes, but only if you have a legitimate reason. You must submit a Request for Program Extension form (PDF)Listen along with supporting documents to International Student Admissions & Compliance for review. Extension requests are reviewed on a case-by-case basis and are not guaranteed to be approved.

I want to continue my education after TCC. What do I do?

When you complete your degree at TCC, you have three basic options to stay in the United States and continue learning: entering a year of on-the-job workforce training (OPT), transferring to another university to get a bachelor's or other higher degree, or applying for a second degree at TCC.

To transfer to another school, you must:

  1. Request a change to your I-20 form, which specifies the school U.S. immigration allows you to attend. This must be completed within 60 days of completing your studies or your OPT employment, or you will be in violation of your F1 status. If you are not sure when your 60-day grace period expires, please consult International Student Admissions & Compliance immediately.
  2. Submit the SEVIS Release Request form (PDF)Listen and a copy of your acceptance letter from the school you wish to attend to International Student Admissions & Compliance.

Incomplete transfer requests will not be processed.

Once the request and letter are submitted, we will transfer out your F1 SEVIS record to the new school on the requested release date. The requested release date will be either as soon as final grades are posted, when your OPT EAD card expires, or as soon as you graduate. If you are a current student we cannot transfer your records mid-semester.

Once you are transferred out, contact your new school's international office for information about getting your I-20 issued from the new school. Most schools give this information in their acceptance letter.

Updated June 03, 2024