Program Learning Outcomes (PLO): Child Development

For each PLO, see our corresponding course(s) and National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Standard(s).

PLO 1: Knowledge of practices that promote quality development

Students will produce a Case Study showing the development of a child in the areas of physical, cognitive, language, social, and emotional development. Students will earn a grade of 80% or higher on the case study in this course. (TECA–1354) (NAEYC Standard 1)

PLO 2: Respectful and responsible relationships with diverse families and communities

Students will produce a portfolio as a reflection of their field experience. Students will earn a grade of 80% or higher on the portfolio in this course. (TECA–1303) (NAEYC Standard 2)

PLO 3: Observation

Students will produce a portfolio that demonstrates observation, documentation, and assessment techniques as a reflection of their field experience from observing in preschool and elementary classrooms. Students will earn a grade of 80% or higher on the portfolios in these courses. (TECA–1311 & TECA–1318) (NAEYC Standard 3)

PLO 4: Appropriate approaches

Students will successfully create and implement activities in large group and small group situations with young children. Students will earn 80% or above on 80% of implemented activities in this course. (CDEC–1413) (NAEYC Standards 4 & 5)

PLO 5: Guidance Techniques

Students will describe and evaluate guidance techniques that they observe in their lab experiences. Students will earn 80% or above on 80% or more of Observation Reports submitted in this course. (CDEC–1419) (NAEYC Standard 4)

PLO 6: Ethical behavior

Students will choose the best resolution in simulated ethical situations they are required to solve. Students will earn 80% or above on this assignment. (TECA–1311) (NAEYC Standard 6)

PLO 7: Advocate for the rights

Students will produce a resource binder that includes materials and sources to help families and children with special needs. Students will earn 80% or above on the resource binder. (TECA–1359) (NAEYC Standard 6)

PLO 8: Effective communication

Students will implement a unit in a preschool classroom that requires effective communication with the children, their teammates and the children’s parents. Students will earn a 80% or higher on the implementation of their unit. (CDEC–2386) (NAEYC Standard 2)


Course Assessment Standard Semester(s) of data Total Results for 2023–2024
TECA–1354 Case Study 80% or higher Fall 2023 – Spring 2024 79.4% earned 80% or better on the Case Study
TECA–1303 Portfolio from Field Experience 80% or higher Fall 2023 – Spring 2024 78% earned 80% or better on the Field Experience Portfolio
TECA–1311 Portfolio 80% or higher Fall 2023 – Spring 2024 68% earned 80% or better on the portfolio
TECA–1318 Portfolio 80% or higher Fall 2023 – Spring 2024 19% earned 80% or better on their portfolio
CDEC–1413 Activity Plans 84% or higher on 80% of the Activity Plans Fall 2023 (fall-only class) 80% earned 80% or better on 80% Activity Plans
CDEC–1419 Observation Reports 87% or higher on 80% of the Reports Spring 2024 (spring-only class) 86% of the reports earned 80% or higher
TECA–1311 Ethical Simulation 80% or higher Fall 2023 – Spring 2024 84% earned an 80% or better on an ethical simulation
CDEC–1359 Exceptionality Resource File 80% or higher Fall 2023 – Spring 2024 60% earned 80% or better on the Exceptionality Resource File
CDEC 2386 Implementation of Unit 10% or higher Spring 2024 (spring-only class) 100% earned 80% or better on their Implementation of the Unit



Northeast Campus

Kathleen Sikes
Program Coordinator

Call 817-515-6521


Updated June 24, 2024