Documentation Guidelines for SAR
When you register with the Student Accessibility Resources (SAR) Office, you must provide documentation about your condition.
All documentation should be submitted to your campus's SAR Office and is confidential under FERPA guidelines.
Documentation records should be from the last 3 to 5 years. However, SAR uses professional judgment and discretion to accept older documentation for permanent or stable conditions.
Documentation Requirements
Your documentation must include:
Credentials of your evaluator(s)
The documentation should be by a licensed or credentialed professional for the evaluated condition. They must have relevant training, experience, and should have no personal relationship with you. The documentation must be on a letterhead, typed, dated, and signed.
Diagnostic statement identifying the disability
The statement should:
- Describe how the disability was diagnosed (including the level of severity),
- Explain the functional impact,
- Detail the typical progression or prognosis of the condition, and
- Include the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) or Diagnostic Statistical Manual (DSM) codes, (only if applicable).
Description of the diagnostic methodology
The description should include:
- Diagnostic criteria
- Evaluation methods
- Procedures
- Tests
- Dates the tests were administered
- Clinical narrative
- Observations
- Specific test scores
Description of current functional limitations that relate to your condition and need accommodations
The current impact of your disability helps us identify accommodations. Please include information about:
- Severity
- Frequency
- Pervasiveness of the condition
Description of the expected progression or stability of the disability
Describe any expected changes in the functional impact of the condition over time. If the condition is variable, explain the known triggers that can make it worse.
Description of current and past accommodations, services, and medications
Include a list of current and past:
- Assistive devices
- Auxiliary aids
- Medications
- Support services
- Any other accommodations
In the description, include information about each item's effectiveness in minimizing the functional impact of the disability. Also describe significant side effects from current medications that affect your physical, perceptual, behavioral, or cognitive performance.
Recommendations for accommodations
The recommended accommodations should logically relate to the functional limitations of the condition. If there is no clear connection, please provide an explanation. SAR is not required to provide or adopt recommendations made by outside entities, but may allow those compatible with current SAR services.
Updated January 20, 2023