Report Sexual Misconduct or Sex/Gender Discrimination

Any person may report a Title IX violation to the Title IX Coordinator, including incidents of:

  • Sexual misconduct,
  • Sexual harassment,
  • Sexual assault,
  • Interpersonal violence,
  • Domestic violence,
  • Dating violence,
  • Pregnancy discrimination,
  • Stalking, and
  • Sex or gender-based discrimination.

Why report?

Reporting an incident informs the College District of the incident, which allows us to provide support, resources, and accommodations to all the parties impacted by the incident. It does not necessarily result in the initiation of a grievance process.

You might choose to report if:

  • The incident has negatively affected you academically or affected your employment. 
  • You have concerns about your safety and the safety of the College District community. 
  • You need someone to confide in or want to seek assistance and support, but you are not seeking action or wanting to name the respondent. 
  • You want the College District to pursue corrective action to remedy the effects of the violation. 
  • You want a No Contact Directive to be put in place between you and the respondent.
  • As a current employee, you are meeting your obligation as a mandatory reporter under Senate Bill 212

Make a Report

Report Title IX violations through our online incident form.

Submit a Title IX Incident Report Form.

You can also make a report via:

  • Email:
  • Mail:
    TCCD District Title IX Office
    300 Trinity Campus Circle
    Fort Worth, TX 76102
  • Phone: 817-515-5041

Confidential Report: For Students Only

If you're not ready to report an incident of sexual misconduct that has occurred but need supportive measures, you may speak with an on-campus TCC counselor.

TCC counselors are available to you free of charge, and are not designated by TCC as Campus Security Authorities or "responsible employees". Therefore, they are not required to report crime statistics for Clery Act purposes or report incidents of sexual misconduct for Title IX.

Contact a TCC counselor.

Employee Mandated Reporting

TCC employees are required to report observed incidents or credible information reasonably believed to be:

  • Sexual harassment,
  • Sexual assault,
  • Dating violence, or
  • Stalking

against a student or employee.

They must promptly report the incident to the College's Title IX Coordinator or Deputy Title IX Coordinator.

Learn more about employee mandated reporting.

What are the next steps?

After a report is submitted, the District Title IX Office will review the report and contact you and other appropriate parties to discuss next steps. They will provide information on specific resources, supportive measures, and accommodations related to the report.

You can expect a prompt, fair and impartial investigation of your complaint. That includes assisting you with receiving counseling, referring you to medical assistance or law enforcement, and offering protective measures such as a No Contact Order to help you feel safer.

This assistance is also extended to the responding party and other parties named in the report.


Amnesty Related to Alcohol and Other Substances

Some students and bystanders are afraid to come forward because alcohol or other substances were involved with the incident.

Fear of punishment should never be a reason for deciding not to get help. We have a policy not to punish drug- and alcohol-related student conduct violations that occur during the harmful incident.

Amnesty for Students Reporting Certain Incidents

Texas Education Code §51.284(a) states:

  1. A postsecondary educational institution may not take any disciplinary action against a student enrolled at the institution who in good faith reports to the institution being the victim of, or a witness to, an incident of sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, or stalking for a violation by the student of the institution's code of conduct occurring at or near the time of the incident, regardless of the location at which the incident occurred or the outcome of the institution's disciplinary process regarding the incident, if any.
  2. A postsecondary educational institution may investigate to determine whether a report of an incident of sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, or stalking was made in good faith.
  3. A determination that a student is entitled to amnesty under Subsection (a) is final and may not be revoked.
  4. Subsection (a) does not apply to a student who reports the student's own commission or assistance in the commission of sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, or stalking.
  5. This section may not be construed to limit a postsecondary educational institution's ability to provide amnesty from application of the institution's policies in circumstances not described by Subsection (a).

Commitment to Privacy and Confidentiality

After making a report, student information will be handled in accordance with the regulations established by the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). FERPA is a federal law that protects the privacy of student educational records, and information contained in educational records cannot be shared without the student's written consent.

All reports are treated with the greatest degree of confidentiality possible. Confidentiality is maintained on a need-to-know basis with respect to the college's obligations to investigate allegations of sexual misconduct and take the appropriate corrective action.

Retaliation is Prohibited

If anyone retaliates against you because you make a report or participate in a Title IX Grievance Process as a complainant, respondent, or witness, the College District will take immediate action.

Retaliation includes but is not limited to:

  • Job reprimands,
  • Removal from participating in organizations or classroom activities,
  • Negative evaluations,
  • Negative grades,
  • Threats,
  • Harassment,
  • Or other adverse treatment when the treatment is taken for a retaliatory reason.

If you feel you are being retaliated against, please report the incident to the District Title IX Office, Title IX Coordinator or Deputy Title IX Coordinator immediately.


For more information,

Updated August 02, 2024