Frequently Asked Questions for Pregnant and Parenting Students

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What is the definition of "parenting"?

For purposes of Title IX, "parenting" is the raising of a child by the child's parents in the reasonably immediate postpartum period; this is normally considered the 12 months following the child's birth.

Does TCC have to excuse my absences due to pregnancy or parenting?

Yes, if your absences due to pregnancy or related conditions (including recovery from childbirth) are medically necessary. You should provide your instructor with a completed Pregnancy and Parenting Student Excused Absence Form (PDF)Listen to excuse your absences.

However, even though your absences may be excused, you may still be required to complete assigned coursework. TCC may offer alternatives to making up missed work (such as retaking a semester) or allow you additional time in a program, especially after longer periods of leave. You would continue the program at the same pace and complete it at a later date.

A father's absences during pregnancy are only excused if the mother's doctor believes they are medically necessary.

Learn more about your Title IX Rights from the Office for Civil Rights.

How do I determine if my absence is medically necessary?

It is up to the judgment of your doctor. If the doctor advises that you should be absent, then you should provide your instructor with the Pregnancy and Parenting Student Excused Absence Form signed by your doctor.

A father's absences during pregnancy are only excused if the mother's doctor believes they are medically necessary.

What if I have a long absence from my class?

If you need a prolonged absence or have a prolonged medical condition related to your pregnancy, you may qualify as a student with a disability under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Please contact the Title IX Office or Student Accessibility Resources (SAR) coordinator for assistance in determining how to proceed.

If part of my class grade is based on attendance, can my grade be lowered because of my absences?

It depends. If you haven't provided documentation that your absences were medically necessary, then yes, your instructor may apply the same attendance policy that applies to other students.

If you have provided documentation from your doctor, then no, your instructor cannot apply the same attendance policy. Your instructor must excuse any absences for which your doctor has signed the Pregnancy and Parenting Student Excused Absence Form stating that the absence was medically necessary.

A father's absences during pregnancy are only excused if the mother's doctor believes they are medically necessary.

Do I have to provide a doctor's note in order to attend class later in my pregnancy?

No. Your instructor cannot require you to produce a doctor's note in order to stay in school or participate in activities (with some exceptions). Questions about safety concerns should be directed to the Title IX Coordinator.

Can I participate in internships, career rotations and other off-campus program requirements while I'm pregnant?

Yes. For example, if your program has a clinical component, TCC cannot deny your participation based on your pregnancy.

Can I bring my child to class with me?

No, unless your child is registered for or participating in a TCC-sponsored class or activity. Title IX does not require that you be allowed to bring your child to class. In addition, no child should be left unattended by an adult while on TCC property (Policy: GDA LOCAL).

What if I can't find a babysitter for my child?

You may not bring your child to class unless they are registered for or participating in a TCC-sponsored class or activity. No child should be left unattended by an adult while on TCC property.

What if I miss class or a test because my child is sick?

You should be able to make up a missed assignment, but it depends.

If the sickness is in relation to complication from your pregnancy or the child was born within the last year, then you must submit the Pregnancy and Parent Student Excused Absence Form to show your absence was medically necessary. If you're a single father, you may be excused as long as you provide the Pregnancy and Parenting Student Excused Absence Form signed by your doctor.

Excused absences cannot be retroactive. If this issue arises, please contact the Title IX office for further assistance.

Can parenting duties apply to male students?

Yes, if you are the father of a new baby and you are performing parenting activities within the first year of your child's life. If you have absences related to parenting, then your child's doctor must certify your absences were medically necessary by completing the Pregnancy and Parenting Student Excused Absence Form.

As a male student, can I be excused from class to attend for prenatal doctor visits?

If you're an expectant father, you may be excused from class to attend prenatal doctor visits if your child's doctor completes Pregnancy and Parenting Student Excused Absence Form.

Updated August 02, 2024