Sexual Misconduct Protocol
The District is committed to maintaining a respectful, professional, academic and working environment for students, faculty, staff, and visitors. This includes having an environment free from unlawful sexual misconduct.
This protocol applies to all TCC settings and activities—whether on District property or off.
Protocol covers all students & employees
Student means a person who:
- Is currently enrolled in the District
- Is accepted for admission or readmission to the District
- Has been enrolled in the District during a prior semester or summer session and is
eligible to continue enrollment in the semester or summer session that immediately
or - Is attending an educational program sponsored by the District while that person is on campus [see Policy FLA(Local)].
Employee includes:
- Former employees
- Former applicants for employment
and - Other individuals who have a relationship with TCCD that enables TCCD to exercise some control over the individual's conduct in places and activities that relate to the District's work (e.g., contractors, vendors, etc.).
Our commitment to our community
So that TCC may foster a climate of respect and security on campus as it relates to preventing and responding to acts of sexual misconduct, this protocol has been created and serves to demonstrate the District's commitment to:
- Foster a District climate that is free from sexual misconduct: sexual harassment, sexual assault, sexual exploitation, and the acts of stalking, dating violence, and domestic violence;
- Disseminate clear strategies for responding to acts of sexual misconduct reported to the institution;
- Deliver training and education programs to students and employees so they may identify sexual misconduct and understand how to report such conduct;
- Engage in investigative inquiry and resolution of complaints that are prompt, fair and equitable and independent of other investigations that may occur;
- Recognize the inherent dignity and worth of each member of the TCC community and the rights of persons to be safe in their bodies, which lends to the core values of this academic institution.
Lastly, it is the intent of this protocol to:
- Identify the Title IX Coordinator, Deputy Title IX Coordinators and Investigators and describe their roles in compliance with guidance from the Department of Education's Office of Civil Rights.
- Identify how students can report sexual misconduct to the District confidentially or privately and what resources are available both on and off campus to aid them.
- Identify how employees can report sexual misconduct to the District and what resources are available both on and off campus to aid them.
- Provide information about how complaints are assessed, investigated and resolved.
- Provide the District with a means to take all reasonable steps to identify harassment, prevent recurrence of any harassment, and to correct its discriminatory effects on the complainant and others, if appropriate.
Download the App
Use Reach Out College Edition to access all TCC Title IX resources and reporting details on your smart phone:
- Go to Google Play: Apps or the Apple App Store
- Download Reach Out College Edition (free)
- Pick your TCC campus
- TCC Connect students and employees: Select Trinity River Campus
Table of Contents
- Notice of Coordination with Non-Discrimination Policy & Notice of Non-Discrimination
- Definitions
- Consent & Incapacitation
- Title IX Coordinator & Deputy Title IX Coordinators
- Reporting
- Jurisdiction & Reporting Time Frames
- Confidentiality
- Sexual Assault
- Protection Orders & No Contact Orders
- Interim Measures & Protective Measures
- Investigation & Resolution
- Non-Retaliation
- Consensual Relationships
- Risk Reduction
- On- & Off-Campus Resources
Updated January 20, 2023