Drug Free Schools and Community Act

Alcohol and Drug Policy

Possession, sale and/or use of alcoholic beverages on campuses are prohibited by College policy. Alcoholic beverages are not permitted on College property. Possession and consumption of alcohol are also forbidden during any College-sponsored activities at off-campus locations or while traveling to and from off-campus activities. Tarrant County College Police Department enforces all state laws regarding alcohol, including state underage drinking laws. State law shall be strictly enforced at all times on all property controlled by the College District in regard to the possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages.

Possession, use, and/or sale of illegal drugs (as defined by the Texas Penal Code) on campus is a violation of state law. Illegal drug possession and use are prohibited. Tarrant County College Police Department enforces all federal and state drug laws and persons found in possession of illegal drugs will be cited and/or arrested.

Disciplinary action may include referral to drug and alcohol counseling or rehabilitation programs or student assistance programs, suspension, expulsion and referral to appropriate law enforcement official for prosecution.

Read our Drug and Alcohol Prevention Program (DAAPP) policy (PDF).Listen

Read our Drug and Alcohol Prevention Program (DAAPP) Biennial Review Report (PDF).Listen

Find more information about TCC's student conduct policies.

Alcohol-Drug Education Programs

Seminars on these topics are conducted or coordinated by the Police Department. Check bulletin boards and the student newspaper for announcements. TCC maintains an alcohol-drug abuse prevention program available to students and employees, under the direction of the department chairperson of mental health at Northeast Campus. Referral assistance is available.

Contact the following for information or assistance:

DASHH Prevention Squad

DASHH (Drugs, Alcohol, Sex, Harassment, and Hazing) is a prevention initiative which provides comprehensive and intentional educational programming focused on life choices (related to drugs, alcohol, sex, harassment and hazing), and promotes access to resources on and off campus.

Find upcoming DASHH Prevention Squad events.

Community Resources

Alcoholics Anonymous
24/7 Hotline (800-396-1602)
Central Office of Fort Worth
316 Bailey Avenue #100
Fort Worth, TX 76107

Employee Assistance Program
Alliance Work Partners

Updated February 24, 2025