Northeast Campus Student Organizations

If you would like to start your own club or organization follow the steps on our Start a Student Organization page, or by emailing Cara Walker at, calling 817-515-6582 or connecting with the Student Activities Office located at NSTU 1502.

If you are a current student, you can access more information about the Northeast Campus student organizations by logging into Canvas.

American Chemical Society/Chemistry Club

We invite, motivate and encourage students to explore the many ways that chemistry connects to their world. Our club provides fun, authentic, and hands-on opportunities for members to experience chemistry beyond what is taught in the classroom. We learn about study and career opportunities in the many fields of chemistry, provide service for the betterment of our community, discover and pursue connections within the larger chemistry community, and develop leadership and communications skills.

Sponsor: Steven Rooney,

Anime and Japanese Culture Club

Anime and Japanese Culture Club promotes an understanding and appreciation of anime, manga, and Japanese culture. Our meetings often involve watching anime and participating in fun activities with some aspect of Japanese culture as the topic.

Sponsor: Paige Duffy,

Biology Club

We give students of Tarrant County College chances to further explore the field of biology by increasing awareness of relevant local events and developments, and by hosting our own events and activities.

Sponsor: James Harman,

COOL Club (Cultures of Other Languages)

We provide an opportunity to practice English skills, build relationships with the community, and develop self-advocacy and leadership skills for English language learners (ELLs) at various levels and anyone else interested in building relationships with ELLs. COOL Club hopes to connect the English Language Learning Program (ELLP) across all TCC campuses.

Sponsor: Juliana Owuori,

Dance Club

We welcome all from the campus community who are interested in dance in its many forms. Master classes, discussions, film viewings and other social activities are focused on different styles of dance. No previous training is needed.

Sponsor: Kihyoung Choi,

El Grupo Español

We are a Spanish conversation group for anyone interested in learning more about the Spanish language and culture.

Sponsor: Marsha Hall,

Fashion Club

The purpose of the fashion club is to allow people to come together who are interested in learning more in depth about fashion, sharing ideas, and collaborating. All students are welcome to join!

Sponsor: Michael Kaluya,

Fellowship of Christian University Students (FOCUS)

FOCUS is an interdenominational campus ministry at a number of campuses in the DFW area. While our community has learned a lot and changed significantly over the years, our mission has always remained the same: making and maturing disciples on DFW college campuses. We are passionate about making Jesus known on campus.

Sponsor: Sean Foushee, 

Film Studies Club

Our club experiences andanalyzes films in a group setting. This will allow everyone to share their different perspectives on the films.

Sponsor: Sean Foushee,

Gamer's Club

The purpose of the club is to provide students with the opportunity to experience different games, game consoles, and gaming culture as a whole in a friendly environment.

Sponsor: Toni Whalen,

Garden Club

Garden Club provides educational opportunities and activities regarding gardening for its members and encourages members of the community to learn about food production and healthy choices.

Sponsor: Austin McCabe,

Infinity Math Club

We provide students who are interested in mathematics an opportunity to learn more through activities, competitions, and seminars covering STEM careers and topics. Other activities include earning service learning hours through peer tutoring, membership in Mu Alpha Theta honor society, and service projects. Membership is open to all students.

Sponsor: Sabera C Muna,

Intervarsity Christian Club

We are a vibrant campus ministry that establishes and advances diverse witnessing communities of students and faculty.

Sponsor: Andee Rodriguez,\

Music Club

Our mission is to be an organization united for the overall success and enrichment of TCC students with a passion for music, and to ensure the prosperity and continuing progress for present and future students of this music department.

Sponsor: John McArty,

Needle Arts Club

The Needle Arts club is open to all levels of knitters. The purpose of the club is to give people an opportunity to improve and/or hone their craft. While most of the work we do will be on an individual basis, we will also focus on planning a yearly community project. This club is meant to be a place to relax and craft among others who want to do the same in an effort to build a sense of community and shared interests among students.

Sponsor: Samantha Elkins,

Neurodiversity Club

We support neurodiverse students with social needs while helping members achieve goals in college and life through sharing between members.

Sponsor: Toni Whalen,

Northeast Tarrant County Community College Volleyball Intramural Association (NTCCC VIA)

We aim to bring together students who are interested in volleyball. Wealso encourage social connections, staying active, and creating a sense of belonging within our campus.

Sponsor: Janjura Williams,

Northeast Veterans Association (NEVA)

We are focused on uniting all military personnel including veterans, active duty, reservists and guards. We also welcome family members and friends of veterans. We host social functions and networking opportunities. In addition, we will provide programs related to the needs of veterans and dependents such as information on benefits, and counseling to help with the adjustment to college and life after serving in the military. We will also attempt to continue our service to the community through joint projects with other on campus clubs both academic and social.

Sponsor: Chris Hunt,

Phi Theta Kappa

Phi Tau Chapter

Phi Theta Kappa is the International Honor Society of the two-year college. Students are invited to join in the fall and spring semesters. Membership eligibility requires that a student is enrolled in credit classes, has completed a minimum of 12 semester hours at TCC, with a 3.5 GPA in the 12 hours preceding invitation, and has an overall cumulative GPA of 3.0.

Sponsor: Samantha Elkins,

Pride Club

The Pride Club strives to provide a safe social space for all members of the LGBTQ+ community and their allies. We exist to uplift, support, and empower our current and future LGBTQ+ and ally student leaders. Through our meetings and activities, we strive to be inclusive of all sexual orientations, genders, races, abilities, religious and social backgrounds, and economic classes.

Sponsor: Cynthia Lewis,

Student American Dental Assistant Association (SADAA)

We promote the profession of dental assisting through monthly industry-related presentations and community outreach opportunities. Students gain a working knowledge of the professional organization at a local, state, and national level. Students must be a member of the American Dental Assistant Association (ADAA) and enrolled in the NE Registered Dental Assistant Program to be a member of this organization.

Sponsor: Laurie

Student Chapter of the American Dental Hygiene Association (SCADHA)

We promote the art and science of the profession of dental hygiene. Students gain a working knowledge of the professional organization at a local, state and national level. Students must be currently enrolled in the NE Dental Hygiene Program to be a member of this organization.

Sponsor: Melissa Calhoun,

Student Government Association (SGA)

We provide the voice for the student body and facilitate changes in policy and practices. In addition to these duties, we also provide leadership to NE Campus and represent the College and student body to the community.

Sponsor: Ana Contreras,

Student History Appreciation Club (SHAC)

The Student History Appreciation Club (SHAC) seeks to bring together all TCC students who enjoy history. We offer a fun social space where students can share their love for history through activities like movie nights, game nights, presentations, discussions, debates, book reviews, field trips. and more. Our club aims to build a sense of community and shared interest among students.

Sponsor: Cynthia Lewis,

Students in Recovery

Students in Recovery aims to create a supportive community where students in or seeking recovery can succeed academically while enjoying a true college experience without alcohol or drugs.

Sponsor: Michelle Burris,

Student Paralegal Association (SPA)

We provide our members with valuable information relating to the paralegal profession, and assistance in locating volunteer opportunities and networking possibilities. We also foster support, study opportunities, and communication among the members of our organization.

Sponsor: Karen Silverberg,

Tabletop Role-Playing Games Club

Our mission is to provide a place for students who are fans of table-top role playing games (TTRPGs) or are interested in playing. Members will be able to coordinate, discuss, and play any sort of TTRPG they wish.

Sponsor: Toni Whalen,

Updated January 28, 2025