Sustainability at TCC

TCC is taking steps to be more sustainable across our campuses and in our community. We want to protect the environment while spending money wisely and making sure our efforts don't have a negative impact on our community.

Roadmap to Sustainability

TCC's sustainability master plan has 3 phases.

Phase 1: Where We Are

In Phase 1, TCC looked at its current efforts and work surrounding these initial goals:

  • Accountability and reporting: Track and report on our sustainability efforts to be open and transparent.
  • Energy and water: Reduce greenhouse gas emissions and use more renewable energy by 10% by 2030.

Phase 2: Where We're Going

In Phase 2, TCC is expanding its sustainability goals to include more focus areas. These include:

  • Waste management: Improving our recycling program and working toward Zero Waste.
  • Transportation: Making it easier to get around TCC by bike, foot, and electric car (EV).
  • Procurement: Choosing vendors who have a shared commitment to sustainability.
  • Grounds and landscaping: Collecting and using rainwater, planting drought-resistant plants, and improving drainage.
  • Housekeeping: Using Green Seal-certified products and supporting the College's recycling program.

Phase 3: Innovative Opportunities

In Phase 3, TCC will explore ways to bring sustainability to life in the classroom and our community.

  • Academics: Provide hands-on learning in the classroom.
  • Communications and engagement: Host sustainability workshops and events for students, staff, and the community.

Get Involved and Stay Informed

Visit our sustainability webpage on ArcGIS (link opens in a new window) for more details and updates.



Lori Lewis
Manager of Sustainability

Updated July 03, 2024