Family Empowerment Center on South Campus

We want you and your family to succeed.

The Family Empowerment Center (FEC) on South Campus helps you get into and complete college—even if economic or other barriers have been holding you back.

We partner with community organizations to connect you with helpful resources.

Our Goals

To support our community, we work with our community partners to:

  • Reduce and eliminate barriers to attending and completing college
  • Promote economic stability through education
  • Support quality of life through initiatives such as nutrition, physical fitness and workforce re-entry

Our Activities

The Family Empowerment Center is a resource hub connecting students and community members to financial, nutrition/food, health, housing, transportation, and legal resources.

Below are some examples of how we can help you.

Free Services

Income Tax Preparation Services (January-April)

Campus and Community Referrals

  • Legal services
  • Financial literacy
  • Childcare resources
  • Housing support resources
  • Transportation resources


  • Toro's Fresh Market (monthly)
  • Toro's Food Pantry (current students only)

Educational Workshops

  • Financial coaching
  • Health and wellness
  • Immigrant services
  • Employment

Special FEC Features

Training Room
A space where we and our community partners hold educational sessions and meetings for up to 14 participants. We also use this space to host live demonstrations to teach you about nutrition, preparing food and eating healthy.

For more information, please contact us!


The Family Empowerment Center is open for in-person services. Contact us for more information.

South Campus

Visit SFOF

Call 817-515-4332


Updated May 16, 2024