Agency Partners

Our agency partners facilitate service activities and provide our students with the knowledge and skills they need to participate in and benefit from the service activity.

Why partner with us?

  • Create a pool of future employees: Students may view their service learning opportunity as a gateway to future employment within your agency.
  • Keep up with current trends: Students bring current resources and technology from their classes to your agency. As idealistic students, they offer a fresh approach to problems you may be facing within your institution.
  • Benefit from impressive marketing: Students are the best way to spread the word about the services your agency provides. A beneficial experience with your agency can profit those you serve for years to come.
  • Build community awareness: Service learning promotes awareness, visibility and appreciation. Plus, service learning may initiate media opportunities, such as public interest stories.


You are a co-educator in this process.

You provide a service opportunity that complements academic learning. The educational component is the key in service learning. Feel free at any time to ask students to reflect on their volunteer work, how it relates to their coursework, and how they are changing as a result. 

While working with a student, you should expect to:

  • Develop a well-defined activity and service with specific program outcomes
    • Keep in mind that the projects must meet learning objectives for the course in which the student is enrolled. You may plan specific projects with a faculty member or ask to see the course syllabus for learning objectives.
  • Devise a schedule with required hours for the student
  • Provide an orientation and any necessary training needed to allow the student(s) to participate in the service learning activity
  • Complete all required agency forms for the appropriate TCC campus
  • Provide the student with necessary supervision during the project
  • Evaluate the performance of the student and provide faculty feedback

You may screen students (individuals and groups) as you would other volunteers. Questions may include:

  • What do you hope to accomplish while serving with us?
  • What course are you doing this for and what does the syllabus include?
  • Why did you chose our organization?

You can be a partner for as long as you would like to. At any time, if the partnership is not working for you, let us know. You can request to be removed from the list at any time.

Become a partner

If you are interested in becoming a service learning partner, contact campus service learning representatives for details.



Southeast Campus

Vernetta Burkhalter, Manager of Career & Technical Education (CATE) Center

Work-Based Learning

Oneshi Villalobos, Assistant Director

Updated August 07, 2023