Nursing Pinning Ceremony

TCC takes pride in our nursing program and our students who complete the program.

We hold a pinning ceremony for every graduating class at the end of each semester (fall, spring, and summer). On stage, the assistant deans pin students one by one.

It is a ceremony for students to reflect on their journey, acknowledge their accomplishment of completing TCC's rigorous nursing program, and celebrate their success with their loved ones.

Ceremony Highlights

Guest Speaker

The ceremony includes a guest speaker who enlightens the students and gives them golden nuggets to help them transition into their new career.

Honor Students Recognition

The ceremony celebrates honor students in the organization Alpha Delta Nu. Alpha Delta Nu is an honor society for nursing students who maintain a 3.0 grade point average throughout the nursing program.

Award Recognition

The ceremony also highlights three student awards:

  • Community Service Award: The student who completed the most community service hours throughout the nursing program.
  • Academic Award: The student who maintained the highest grade point average throughout the nursing program.
  • Leadership Award: A student who is elected a leader by their peers for exemplifying their leadership skills

Taking the Pledge

At the end of the ceremony, the students line up for the candle lighting ceremony and recite a pledge.

This pledge is reminiscent of the Hippocratic Oath of physicians. It is often considered the Nightingale pledge, said in honor of Florence Nightingale.

Upcoming Pinning Ceremony

The next pinning ceremony will be held:

  • Date: May 10, 2024
  • Location: Texas Hall, University of Texas at Arlington

Download the Spring 2024 Pinning Ceremony Program (PDF)Listen.

Updated May 09, 2024