Entrepreneurship & Small Business Management

Quick Facts

Combine the business side of starting and operating a business with your passion to achieve your entrepreneurial goals.

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Job Titles & Career Info

Our Program

Why Choose Entrepreneurship & Small Business Management?

  • Develop the skills you need to start & operate your own small business in any discipline—from aviation to horticulture to information technology
  • Gain hands-on, real-life experience
  • Study with faculty who have started, worked for, or managed new business ventures
  • Walk away with an executable business model as well as tools & resources to use as you begin your entrepreneurial journey

Prepare for What You Will Do at Work

  • Generate fresh ideas through creative thinking & problem-solving
  • Develop new products or services
  • Design effective strategies for:
    • Marketing
    • Customer service
    • Selling
    • Relationship building
  • Secure & manage the financial aspects of the company

Marketable Skills You Will Learn

  • Critical thinking
  • Reasoning
  • Communication
  • Personal & social responsibility
  • Teamwork
  • Computer literacy

Before You Enroll, Think About:

  • Our program is designed as a terminal degree: When you finish our degree, you should be ready and able to start, operate, and manage a business venture. 
  • Much of our curriculum is hands-on, and we expect you to use and apply what you learn throughout our program and beyond.
  • You need to be a lifelong student who sees learning opportunities, such as this program, as part of an ongoing process.
  • You must be willing to get out there and network with local entrepreneurs and business owners.

Need a boost to get ready for college?

Talk to your advisor about Developmental Studies if your TSI scores say you need some help in math or reading and writing.

Degrees & Certificates



Level 1

Level 2

Occupational Skills Award

How Much Time & Money to Finish?

2024–2025 Academic Year

Degree or Certificate Program Title Semester Credit Hours Total Tuition & Fees
AAS Business Administration—Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management 60 $4,140
CRT1 Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management I 21 $1,449
CRT2 Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management II 45 $3,105
OSA Small Business Associate 12 $828


  • Tuition is based on in-state, in-county rates.
  • Totals do not include textbooks and other materials.

Continuing Education Programs

Time commitments and fees vary depending on the course.

Start on Your Pathway!


Northwest Campus

Xoriunstance Brown
Program Coordinator

Call 817-515-7093

Email xoriunstance.brown@tccd.edu

Updated March 22, 2024