Federal, state and/or local governments frequently require higher education institutions to provide information linked from the home page. This page contains links to information currently required by law.
- Anti-Hazing Laws: Per Texas Senate Bill 38.
- Attributions for Works Used
- CARES Act (HEERF I), CRRSAA (HEERF II), and ARP (HEERF III) Student Financial Aid Grants Public Disclosures: Facts and data about TCC's HEERF I, II, and III distribution per the requirement of the CARES Act Certification and Agreement.
- Clery Act: Crime statistics per the Jeanne Clery Act.
- Consumer Information: Per the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended
- Copyright Statement
- Drug and Alcohol Prevention Program (DAAPP) and Biennial Review Report: Per the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act (DFSCA) of 1989 and its implementing regulations (34 C.F.R. Part 86).
- Faculty / Course Information: Per Texas House Bill 2504 (Public Access to Course Information). This information is for undergraduate classroom courses offered for credit and includes the class syllabus, faculty curriculum vitae, cost of attendance and budget information.
- Mandatory Reporting of Sexual Misconduct: Per Texas Senate Bill 212.
- Non-Discrimination Statement
- Occupational License Notice: Per Texas House Bill 1508. Students pursuing a TCC program that prepares them for an occupational license should review all applicable eligibility requirements related to the respective occupational license.
- Online Institutional Resumes: Per Section 51A.002, Texas Education Code
- Open Records Request: Per the Texas Public Information Act.
- Policies and Procedures: Access the District's online policies and procedures.
- Privacy Policy
- Prohibited Technologies: Information about technologies that are prohibited from being used on the College's network.
- Senate Bill 17 FAQs: Frequently asked questioned related to Texas Education Code 51.3525, also known as Senate Bill 17 (SB-17), which places significant restrictions on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives within Texas public institutions of higher education.
- Taxpayer Information: Per Truth-in-Taxation Laws.
- Texas Comptroller's Annual Local Debt Report: Per House Bill 1378. The District reports its annual local debt as a demonstration of transparency.
- Title IX Reports: Per Section 51.253(c), Texas Education Code.
- Title IX Staff Training Materials: Per Department of Education's Title IX Regulations.
- Utilities Report: Per Texas House Bill 3693.
Updated February 24, 2025