Planning Your Transfer from TCC to Another School

You can apply the Core Curriculum course credits you earn at TCC toward a bachelor's degree at a university.

How do I start planning my transfer to another school?

It is never too early to start the planning process in order to make the most of your money, time, and course selection at TCC.

  1. Identify your career goals and the level of degree or education needed.
  2. Meet with a career advisor or the Transfer Center staff to help you plan your courses and transfer options. Continue to meet with an advisor every semester to ensure you stay on track.
  3. Research other schools to pick the one that's the right fit for you.

What are the steps to transfer to another school?

  1. Apply to the college or university where you plan to complete your bachelor's degree.
  2. Apply for scholarships and financial aid, such as grants, work-study or loans.
  3. Check your admissions status online.

How do I know if/how my TCC credits will transfer?

There are a few options to ensure your TCC credits will be counted toward your 4-year degree:

Updated January 06, 2025