XV. On- & Off-Campus Sexual Misconduct Resources

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Northeast Campus

  • In an emergency: Dial 911
  • TCC Police: 817-515-8911

On-Campus Advising & Counseling Center

Northeast Campus Counseling Services
NSTU 2800
To schedule an appointment, call 817- 515-6661

Local Police

Hurst Police Department
1501 Precinct Line Rd., Hurst, TX 76054

  • Emergency: 911
  • Non-Emergency: 817-788-7180
  • Victim Services: 817-788-7197

Local Hospital

Texas Health Harris Methodist Hospital
1600 Hospital Pkwy., Bedford, TX 76022
Phone: 817-848-4000

Off-Campus Counseling / Mental Health

Tarrant County MHMR
3840 Hulen St., North Tower, Fort Worth, TX 76107
Hotline: 817-335-3022

Local Victims Advocacy

Safe Haven of Tarrant County
6815 Manhattan Blvd., Ste. 105, Fort Worth, TX 76120
Hotline: 877-701-7233

The Women's Center of Tarrant County
1723 Hemphill, Fort Worth, TX 76110
Hotline: 817-927-2737

Where to Get a Protective Order

Tarrant County District Attorney's Office Protective Order Unit
200 E. Weatherford St., Ste. 3040, Fort Worth, TX 76196
Phone: 817-884-1623

Off-Campus Legal Assistance

Legal Aid of Northwest Texas
600 E. Weatherford St., Fort Worth, TX 76102
Phone: 817-336-3943

Other Applicable Services

National Sexual Violence Resource Center
123 North Enola Drive, Enola, PA 17025

  • Phone: 717-909-0710
  • Fax: 717-909-0714
  • TTY: 717-909-0715
  • Toll Free: 877-739-3895

Northwest Campus

  • In an emergency: Dial 911
  • TCC Police: 817-515-8911

On-Campus Advising & Counseling Center

Northwest Campus Counseling Services
NW01 1001A
To schedule an appointment, call 817-515-7788

Local Police

Fort Worth Police Department
350 W. Belknap St., Fort Worth, TX 76102

  • Emergency: 911
  • Non-emergency: 817-335-4222

Victim Assistance
Phone: 817-392-4390

Local Hospital

John Peter Smith Hospital (JPS)
1500 S. Main St., Fort Worth, TX 76104

JPS SANE (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Program)
Phone: 817-702-7263 (to leave a message only)

Off-Campus Counseling / Mental Health

Tarrant County MHMR
3840 Hulen St., North Tower, Fort Worth, TX 76107
Hotline: 817-335-3022

Local Victims Advocacy

Safe Haven of Tarrant County
6815 Manhattan Blvd., Ste. 105, Fort Worth, TX 76120
Hotline: 877-701-7233

The Women's Center of Tarrant County
1723 Hemphill, Fort Worth, TX 76110
Hotline: 817-927-2737

Where to Get a Protective Order

Tarrant County District Attorney's Office Protective Order Unit
200 E. Weatherford St., Ste. 3040, Fort Worth, TX 76196
Phone: 817-884-1623

Off-Campus Legal Assistance

Legal Aid of Northwest Texas
600 E. Weatherford St., Fort Worth, TX 76102
Phone: 817-336-3943

Other Applicable Services

National Sexual Violence Resource Center
123 North Enola Drive, Enola, PA 17025

  • Phone: 717-909-0710
  • Fax: 717-909-0714
  • TTY: 717-909-0715
  • Toll Free: 877-739-3895

South Campus

  • In an emergency: Dial 911
  • TCC Police: 817-515-8911

On-Campus Advising & Counseling Center

South Campus Counseling Services
SACT 1412A
To schedule an appointment, call 817-515-4558

Local Police

Fort Worth Police Department
350 W. Belknap St., Fort Worth, TX 76102

  • Emergency: 911
  • Non-emergency: 817-335-4222

Victim Assistance
Phone: 817-392-4390

Local Hospital

John Peter Smith Hospital (JPS)
1500 S. Main St., Fort Worth, TX 76104

JPS SANE (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Program)
Phone: 817-702-7263 (to leave a message only)

Off-Campus Counseling / Mental Health

Tarrant County MHMR
3840 Hulen St., North Tower, Fort Worth, TX 76107
Hotline: 817-335-3022

Local Victims Advocacy

Safe Haven of Tarrant County
6815 Manhattan Blvd., Ste. 105, Fort Worth, TX 76120
Hotline: 877-701-7233

The Women's Center of Tarrant County
1723 Hemphill, Fort Worth, TX 76110
Hotline: 817-927-2737

Where to Get a Protective Order

Tarrant County District Attorney's Office Protective Order Unit
200 E. Weatherford St., Ste. 3040, Fort Worth, TX 76196
Phone: 817-884-1623

Off-Campus Legal Assistance

Legal Aid of Northwest Texas
600 E. Weatherford St., Fort Worth, TX 76102
Phone: 817-336-3943

Other Applicable Services

National Sexual Violence Resource Center
123 North Enola Drive, Enola, PA 17025

  • Phone: 717-909-0710
  • Fax: 717-909-0714
  • TTY: 717-909-0715
  • Toll Free: 877-739-3895

Southeast Campus & Opportunity Center

  • In an emergency: Dial 911
  • TCCD Police: 817-515-8911

On-Campus Advising & Counseling Center

Southeast Campus Counseling Services
ESEC 1108
To schedule an appointment, call 817-515-3591

Local Police

Arlington Police Department
620 W. Division St., Arlington, TX 76011

  • Emergency: 911

Victim Assistance
Phone: 817-459-5339

Local Hospitals

Texas Health Arlington Memorial Hospital
800 W. Randol Mill Rd., Arlington, TX 76012
Phone: 817-960-6100

John Peter Smith Hospital (JPS)
1500 S. Main St., Fort Worth, TX 76104

JPS SANE (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Program)
Phone: 817-702-7263 (to leave a message only)

Off-Campus Counseling / Mental Health

Tarrant County MHMR
3840 Hulen St., North Tower, Fort Worth, TX 76107
Hotline: 817-335-3022

Local Victims Advocacy

Safe Haven of Tarrant County
6815 Manhattan Blvd., Ste. 105, Fort Worth, TX 76120
Hotline: 877-701-7233

The Women's Center of Tarrant County
1723 Hemphill, Fort Worth, TX 76110
Hotline: 817-927-2737

Where to Get a Protective Order

Tarrant County District Attorney's Office Protective Order Unit
200 E. Weatherford St., Ste. 3040, Fort Worth, TX 76196
Phone: 817-884-1623

Off-Campus Legal Assistance

Legal Aid of Northwest Texas
600 E. Weatherford St., Fort Worth, TX 76102
Phone: 817-336-3943

Other Applicable Services

National Sexual Violence Resource Center
123 North Enola Drive, Enola, PA 17025

  • Phone: 717-909-0710
  • Fax: 717-909-0714
  • TTY: 717-909-0715
  • Toll Free: 877-739-3895

Trinity River Campus

  • In an emergency: Dial 911
  • TCCD Police: 817-515-8911

On-Campus Advising & Counseling Center

Trinity River Campus Counseling Services
TRTR 1408A
To schedule an appointment, call 817-515-1055

Local Police

Fort Worth Police Department
350 W. Belknap St., Fort Worth, TX 76102

  • Emergency: 911
  • Non-emergency: 817-335-4222

Victim Assistance
Phone: 817-392-4390

Local Hospitals

Texas Health Harris Methodist Hospital
1301 Pennsylvania Ave, Fort Worth, TX 76104

Texas Health Fort Worth SANE (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Program)
Phone: 817-250-4293 (to leave a message only)

John Peter Smith Hospital (JPS)
1500 S. Main St., Fort Worth, TX 76104

JPS SANE (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Program)
Phone: 817-702-7263 (to leave a message only)

Off-Campus Counseling / Mental Health

Tarrant County MHMR
3840 Hulen St., North Tower, Fort Worth, TX 76107
Hotline: 817-335-3022

Local Victims Advocacy

Safe Haven of Tarrant County
6815 Manhattan Blvd., Ste. 105, Fort Worth, TX 76120
Hotline: 877-701-7233

The Women's Center of Tarrant County
1723 Hemphill, Fort Worth, TX 76110
Hotline: 817-927-2737

Where to Get a Protective Order

Tarrant County District Attorney's Office Protective Order Unit
200 E. Weatherford St., Ste. 3040, Fort Worth, TX 76196
Phone: 817-884-1623

Off-Campus Legal Assistance

Legal Aid of Northwest Texas
600 E. Weatherford St., Fort Worth, TX  76102
Phone: 817-336-3943

Texas A&M University School of Law Family and Benefits Clinic
1515 Commerce St., Fort Worth, TX 76102
Phone: 817-212-4123 or 817-212-4000, ext. 4123

Other Applicable Services

National Sexual Violence Resource Center
123 North Enola Drive, Enola, PA 17025

  • Phone: 717-909-0710
  • Fax: 717-909-0714
  • TTY: 717-909-0715
  • Toll Free: 877-739-3895

National Domestic Violence Hotline
Phone: 1-800-799-SAFE (7233)

Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN)
24-hour hotline: 1-800-656-HOPE (4673)

National Center for Victims of Crime

Start by Believing

Student Code of Conduct Special Provisions for Sexual Misconduct & Other Sensitive Issues

  • Advisor/Advocate: All parties to sexual misconduct complaints have the right to an advisor/advocate from the community to assist and support in connection with report proceedings. TCCD does not disallow any advisor, but does prohibit any advisor from speaking during any meeting or grievance procedure.
  • Sexual History/Character: All parties to a complaint have a right not to face questions or discussion of their sexual history or character unless the administrative officer decides that such information is highly relevant to determining whether the policy has been violated.
  • Right to Know Outcome and Sanctions: The reporting party and the responding party both have the right to know the outcome and sanctions.
  • Right to Be Informed of the Reporting and/or Respondent's (Appeal Request) Status: The parties will be informed by the Title IX Coordinator or his designee if any of the parties to the report requests an appeal.
  • Right to Appeal: A reporting party or respondent has the right to appeal. A student shall be informed of his/her right to file a complaint with the United States Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights.
  • Right to be Informed of Policy: Information regarding this protocol and any accompanying procedures shall be distributed annually to College District employees and students in a manner calculated to provide easy access and wide distribution, such as through electronic distribution and inclusion in major College District publications. Information regarding the policy and procedures shall also be prominently published on the College District's website. Copies of the policy and procedures shall be readily available at the College District's administrative offices.
  • Right Not to be Dissuaded from Participating in Law Enforcement Processes: TCCD encourages any victim of a crime, especially sexual assault, stalking, domestic or dating violence, to file a report with the appropriate law enforcement department. A complainant has the right to file said report before they alert TCCD of the allegation of sexual misconduct or after they have participated in an on campus administrative process. TCCD would never dissuade a victim from seeking remedies from the criminal justice system. The Title IX Coordinator, any Deputy Coordinator or TCCD police officers can assist any victim with contacting the appropriate law enforcement agency should they require such assistance.

Federal Statistical Reporting Obligations

Certain campus officials have a duty to report sexual misconduct for federal statistical reporting purposes (Clery Act). All personally identifiable information is kept confidential, but statistical information must be passed along to campus law enforcement regarding the type of incident and its general location (on or off-campus, in the surrounding area, but no addresses are given) for publication in the annual Campus Security Report. This report helps to provide the community with a clear picture of the extent and nature of campus crime, to ensure greater community safety. Mandated federal reporters include: student/conduct, campus law enforcement, local police, coaches, athletic directors, student development staff, student activities staff, human resources staff, advisors to student organizations and any other official with significant responsibility for student and campus activities. The information to be shared includes the date, the location of the incident (using Clery location categories) and the Clery crime category. This reporting protects the identity of the victim and may be done anonymously.

Federal Timely Warning Reporting Obligations

In an effort to provide timely notice to the TCCD community, and in the event of a crime which may pose a serious or ongoing threat to members of the TCCD community, a "Timely Warning" will be sent to all students and employees via the TCCD email system. In the event of a failure in email, Timely Warning notices may also be disseminated by placing posters in the building lobbies. These alerts will be prepared and approved by the Vice Chancellor for Administration and General Counsel Follow-up information will be disseminated via the TCCD email system.

Timely Warnings are usually distributed for the following Uniform Crime Reporting Program (UCR)/National Incident Based Reporting System (NIBRS) classifications: major incidents arson, criminal homicide, and robbery. Incidents of aggravated assault and sex offenses are considered on a case-by-case basis, depending on the facts of the case and the information known by TCCD. For example, if an assault occurs between two students who have a disagreement, there may be no on-going threat to other TCCD community members and a Timely Warning may not be distributed. In cases involving sexual assault, they are often reported long after the incident occurred, thus there is no ability to distribute a "timely" warning notice to the community. Sex offenses will be considered on a case by case basis depending on when and where the incident occurred, when it was reported, and the amount of information known by TCCD. Timely Warnings may also be posted for other crime classifications, as deemed appropriate.

Sex Offender Registry

The federal "Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act", enacted on October 28, 2000, went into effect October 28, 2002. The law requires institutions of higher education to issue a statement advising the campus community where law enforcement agency information provided by a state concerning registered sex offenders may be obtained. It also requires sex offenders already required to register in a state to provide notice, as required under state law, of each institution of higher education in that State at which the person is employed, carries on a vocation, volunteers services or is a student. Information regarding sexual offenders is available through the Texas Department of Public Safety's Sex Offender Registry.

If conflicts arise in policy, practices, or procedures in this document, the Tarrant County Board Policy Manual shall supersede this document.

Updated February 25, 2025