Official Mandatory Attendance Policy

Regular and punctual class attendance is expected at TCC. Student absences will be recorded from the first day the class meets. In case of absence, it is the student's responsibility to contact the instructor.

Students absent on official school business are entitled to make up coursework missed. In all other cases, the instructor will judge whether the student will be permitted to make up work and will decide on the time and nature of the makeup.

However, the student is expressly responsible for any work missed regardless of the cause of the absence. The student must discuss such work with the instructor and should do so immediately on returning to school. Communication between the student and instructor is most important, and it is the student's responsibility to initiate such communication. If students do not appear at the prearranged time or meet the prescribed deadline for makeup work, they forfeit their rights for further makeup of that work.

Students who stop attending class for any reason should contact the instructor and the Admissions and Registrar Office to officially withdraw from the class. Failure to officially withdraw may result in a failing grade for the course.

Attendance Details

Class attendance and participation are essential to student success. Effective with the Spring 2012 term, the following attendance guidelines will apply.

Students in Online Courses, Including Weekend College

A student in an online course is required to successfully complete the online course orientation and actively participate in the course as described in the Instructor's Course Requirements (ICRs). A student not meeting these requirements may be dropped at the discretion of the instructor.

Students in On-Campus Courses

A student in an on-campus course missing a cumulative of 15 percent of the class meetings and not keeping up with the course assignments may be dropped at the discretion of the instructor.

Term # of Meetings 15% of Class Meetings Student Dropped After X Days
16 week-1 day a week 16 2.4 3
16 week-2 days a week 32 4.8 5
16 week-3 days a week 48 7.2 8
13 week-1 day a week 13 1.95 2
5-week MWF 15 2.25 3
5-week TTH 10 1.5 2
8-week MTWH 32 4.8 5
8-week MW or TTH 16 2.4 3
8-week MWF 24 3.6 4
4-week 16 2..4 3
3-week 15 2.25 3
*Online Dev Ed 32 4.8 5


If you have more questions, please see the Mandatory Attendance Policy FAQ.

Updated September 24, 2024