Commendations and Complaints
The Tarrant County College District Police Department is dedicated to providing the
best police service possible to all citizens and our campus community. Employees are
carefully selected and trained to provide service to the community.
Your feedback can help us maintain high standards for our department. If you want to commend exemplary performance or file a complaint against a TCC Police Department employee, please follow the instructions below.
Commend Exemplary Performance
If you see a Police Department employee exhibit outstanding behavior, tell the employee—and us—about it. If you are unsure of the employee's name, describe the employee and list the specific actions or demeanor that impressed you. Mention the location, date and time the incident occurred.
- Write a letter to employee's immediate supervisor, Campus Police Administrator (Lieutenant) or the
Police Chief. Commendation letters are logged and placed in the employee's permanent
personnel file. Send the letter to:
- Tarrant County College District Police Department
300 Trinity Campus Circle
Fort Worth, TX 76102
- Tarrant County College District Police Department
- Call the Police Department (817-515-5500) and speak with the employee's supervisor.
File a Complaint
The Tarrant County College District Police Department is committed to taking action when its employees are derelict in their duties or are guilty of wrongdoing. Your complaint will be given a fair and thorough investigation.
Citizen complaints against Police Department employees (commissioned or civilian) are directed to:
Internal Affairs
Office of the Chief of Police
300 Trinity Campus Circle
Fort Worth, TX 76102
Office hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.
If the office is closed, you may still file a complaint with any Police Department supervisor, who will then forward your report.
How to File a Complaint Against a Police Department Employee
Submit your complaint in writing. You can use the Complaint FormListen (PDF will open in a new window).
- Texas law requires that all complaints against police officers be in writing and signed by the person making the complaint.
- Complaints should be made within 30 days of the incident unless special circumstances exist.
- The complaint should be filed by the person who was wronged. Other persons may give statements as witnesses.
The Process
The Chief of Police will ensure that a thorough investigation of your complaint is conducted.
Just as citizens who are arrested must be told the charges against them, a police employee must be given a copy of the complaint before any disciplinary action is taken.
When the investigation is completed, you will be notified of the results and action taken.
False Complaints
Filing a false complaint against a police employee is a violation of the Texas Penal Code, Section 37.02.
If a person knowingly and intentionally makes a false statement under oath or swears to the truth of a false statement previously made under oath, that person may be found guilty and punished by:
- A fine up to $4,000,
- Confinement in jail for up to one year, or
- Both a fine and imprisonment.
What Happens When a Complaint Is Upheld
When the investigation finds that the charges against a police employee are true, the employee's supervisor or the Police Chief notifies the employee and may take one of the following actions:
- Reprimand the employee verbally or in writing,
- Suspend the employee without pay,
- Demote the employee, or
- Discharge the employee.
What Happens When a Complaint Is Not Upheld
Complaints must be supported by sufficient evidence. When the investigation cannot find the degree of evidence necessary to prove the employee acted improperly, the employee and the citizen are both notified in writing.
What to Do If You Are Not Satisfied With the Outcome
You may appeal the findings of the internal investigation or supervisory investigation to:
The Office of the Police Chief
Tarrant County College District Police Department
300 Trinity Campus Circle
Fort Worth, TX 76102
The Office of the Chief Operating Officer
Tarrant County College District
300 Trinity Campus Circle
Fort Worth, TX 76102
Racial Profiling Complaints
Texas CCP Art. 2.132 Law Enforcement Policy on Racial Profiling requires the department to provide public education on the racial profiling complaint process.
For the Tarrant County College District Police Department, this process is the same as the department's complaint process, as described on this Web page.
Updated August 11, 2023