Waiting List Guidelines

Children may be put on the waiting list as soon as they are born. The waiting list is based on the age of the child on September 1 and is divided by boys and girls. A child must be 2 by September 1 to be eligible to enter the Children's Center.

Parents may fill out the waiting list form (PDF)Listen and email it to TCC-Childrens.Center@tccd.edu.

The Children's Center is a laboratory school environment and is open to the community on a first come-first, first-serve enrollment. No priority is provided for TCC faculty, staff or students.

The waiting list parents must call the Children's Center at least once a year to stay on the list and to update addresses and telephone numbers.

If this information is not updated and the Children's Center is unable to contact your family, we will fill the opening with the next name on the list.

The Children's Center reserves the right to balance groups according to sex, chronological age, and developmental levels.

Please complete the waiting list form posted above and email it to TCC-Childrens.Center@tccd.edu to add your child's name to the Children's Center waiting list.

Updated April 09, 2024