Instagram Contest
Creative Student Photography Captures TCC Life
TCC held an instagram photo contest during the month of April. Students were invited to post pictures that matched the weekly theme. Winners were selected each week and received a prize. Here are the winning photos.

Clockwise, from top-left:
First Signs of Spring: @lavidabreve, Blooming outside TRC. #tccpicoftheweek @tarrantcountycollege #tcctrinityriver
Snack Time: @22jsalinas, Uggg my breakfast!! Wish I had real food!! #oatsnhoney #tccpicoftheweek #northwestcampus #snacktime #tcc
Day on Campus: @mrslindsayaaron, Posing with the belly dancer at the International Festival this afternoon. #spanishfriends #tccpicoftheweek
Favorite Study Spot: @lebnyargas, Hard work pays off. #tccpicoftheweek #studyplace