Upcoming Courses at TCC Connect Campus
TCC Connect Campus's "online anytime" schedule means you can take your classes during the day, at night, or on weekends—during the hours that make the most sense for your busy schedule.
Browse Upcoming Courses
Find our upcoming courses in the Course Catalog module of MyTCCTrack.
To find the schedule of classes for TCC Connect, select the Advanced Search tab and choose Connect Campus in the location filter.
About Our Courses
You have the option of taking online courses in 16-week, 8-week, or monthly-start course lengths. You can combine course lengths to create a learning experience that works best for your work, academic and personal schedule.
- 8-Week Courses: This option is an 8-week online format and will help you accelerate your momentum toward graduation.
- Monthly-Starts: The monthly-start courses begin at the start of each month and end within the same month, giving you access to flexible course offerings. This option gives you access to more enrollment choices, allowing you to select courses you need after the regular semester begins.
- Maymester and Wintermester: You can select from a specific set of courses that are delivered fully online, allowing for minimal disruption to your life and plans. Browse our online program offerings and choose your online degree path at TCC Connect Campus.
Be Online-Ready Before You Register
Our Online Readiness assessment is required and helps you learn if you have the traits needed to be successful in an online course by asking you questions and having you complete online activities.
To register for online courses, you must take and pass the Online Readiness Assessment. (Chrome is the preferred browser.)
Get Started at TCC Connect Campus
Updated January 16, 2025