Happy New Year

from Tarrant County College

A skyline of TCC campus buildings

As we celebrate our 57th year of service to Tarrant County, we recognize that our mission must continue to evolve as our regional needs are evolving. Looking into the future, and with the continuing growth of Tarrant County’s population, TCC is strongly committed to connecting students (of all ages) to education and training which matches the local jobs, career opportunities, interests and leadership needs of our local community and economy.

We will continue to partner with business and industry to identify future skills gaps and develop programs that ensure a trained workforce will be ready to step into those available positions.

We will continue our partnerships with universities and area school districts to ensure students follow their high school endorsements seamlessly with a guided pathway at TCC, enabling them to abbreviate their time in school so they move from academic path, to degree/credential, to career efficiently and effectively.

And, we will continue to place a premium on the input of our community and business partners so that, together, we are developing world-ready students prepared to keep our region economically competitive.

On behalf of TCC’s trustees, faculty and staff and our students, thank you for your continued support of our mission, and we appreciate your partnership and confidence as we strive to be the community’s partner of choice.

One College. Student Ready. Serving the Community.

Happy New Year!
