Our ALL IN Challenge Action Plan

Tarrant County College seeks to increase civic participation of its students. One of the ways TCC will accomplish this goal is by being a member of the ALL IN Challenge.


The TCC ALL IN Challenge Committee includes faculty, staff, and administrators from across our district. Campus representatives include:

Misty Mehrtens, Connect Campus
Olivia Agudelo, Connect Campus
Anna Puente, Northeast Campus
Lourdes Davenport, Northwest Campus
Theresa Rogers, Northwest Campus
Deshun Jackson, South Campus
Jennifer McSpadden, South Campus
Brian Tatum, Southeast Campus
Gretchen Cohenour, Southeast Campus
Kristan Foust, Southeast Campus
Corena White, Trinity River Campus

Voter Registration Action Plan

We will send out campus-wide announcements regarding voting registration deadlines, voter registration drives, and information about upcoming elections.

We will hold at least one voter registration drive each semester, including one that coincides with National Voter Registration Day.

We will host early voting on our campuses.

We will create a webpage that offers TCC students, faculty, and staff and one-stop link to voting information.

We will email voting information and links to voter registration forms to online students enrolled in TCC Connect.

We will publicize voting information on social media (TCC Twitter, Instagram, etc.)

We will have students from various clubs create a voter information guide that will be visible on our webpage and our social media accounts.

Updated May 03, 2024