Occupational Safety & Environmental Technology

Quick Facts

Occupational safety & environmental technology professionals focus on maintaining healthy, safe workplaces and protecting the environment.

Explore on This Page

Job Titles & Career Info

Our Program

Why Choose Occupational Safety & Environmental Technology?

  • Have the chance to impact the health & safety of workers
  • Contribute to the protection of the environment in your community
  • Be able to work in the public or private sector

Prepare for What You Will Do at Work

  • Collect data on work environments
  • Implement & evaluate programs designed to limit chemical, physical, biological & ergonomic risks to workers
  • Develop &deliver environmental-, health- & safety-related training
  • Maintain required records and documentation

Marketable Skills You Will Learn

  • Critical thinking
  • Reasoning
  • Communication
  • Personal & social responsibility
  • Teamwork
  • Computer literacy

Before You Enroll, Think About:

  • You should enjoy working with people.
  • Occupational health and safety technicians often work outside, and may be exposed to environmental conditions such as heat and cold.
  • You must be able to:
    • Use statistics and math skills to analyze and interpret data as it relates to environmental health and safety
    • Analyze data in detail, so as to identify causes, key factors, possible results and implications.

Need a boost to get ready for college?

Talk to your advisor about Developmental Studies if your TSI scores say you need some help in math or reading and writing.

Degrees & Certificates



Level 1

We encourage you to contact us before you register.

Continuing Education Programs

How Much Time & Money to Finish?

2024–2025 Academic Year

Degree or Certificate Program Title Semester Credit Hours Total Tuition & Fees
AAS Occupational Safety and Environmental Technology 60 $4,140
CRT1 Water Resources Technician 20 $1,380
CRT1 Environmental Health and Safety Technician 24 $1,656


  • Tuition is based on in-state, in-county rates.
  • Totals do not include textbooks and other materials.

Continuing Education Programs

Time commitments and fees vary depending on the course.

Earn More Choices & More Money

Transfer to a college or university to continue your studies. Earning a bachelor’s degree opens the door to career and promotion opportunities.

For example, you will be ready to work toward:

  • Bachelor of Science in Emergency Administration & Planning
  • Bachelor of Environmental Science
  • Bachelor of Applied Arts and Science in Manufacturing & Industrial Management

Next steps

Start on Your Pathway!


Northwest Campus

Ali Williamson
Program Coordinator

Call 817-515-7136

Email aline.williamson@tccd.edu

Northwest Campus

Cade Hart
Career Advisor—Public Services Division

Call 817-515-7289

Email cade.hart@tccd.edu

Please call or email me to make an appointment.

Northwest Campus

Donna Herndon
Administrative Assistant

Call 817-515-7660

Email donna.herndon@tccd.edu

Please call or email me to make an appointment.

Updated April 26, 2024