Architectural Technology

Quick Facts

Architecture is a highly competitive field that combines science and art to design buildings where people live, work, and play.

Explore on This Page

Job Titles & Career Info

Our Program

Why Choose Architectural Technology?

  • Prepare to work as a paraprofessional in the field or continue your studies to pursue a career in architecture
  • Develop CAD skills you can use in multiple settings
  • Use both creative design skills & technical engineering skills

Prepare for What You Will Do at Work

  • Use computer-aided design (CAD) software to create technical drawings of architects’ designs
  • Draw details for buildings
  • Collect data about project sites
  • Check that architectural designs follow building codes, site requirements & other regulations

Marketable Skills You Will Learn

  • Critical thinking
  • Reasoning
  • Communication
  • Personal & social responsibility
  • Teamwork
  • Computer literacy

Before You Enroll, Think About:

  • To become a licensed architect, you will need to earn a bachelor’s or master’s degree in architecture at an accredited college or university.
  • You must be detail oriented and analytical.
  • You will benefit from being flexible and creative because projects can change quickly.

Need a boost to get ready for college?

Talk to your advisor about Developmental Studies if your TSI scores say you need some help in math or reading and writing.

Degrees & Certificates



Level 1

Occupational Skills Award

How Much Time & Money to Finish?

2024–2025 Academic Year

Degree or Certificate Program Title Semester Credit Hours Total Tuition & Fees
AAS Architectural Technology 60 $4,140
CRT1 Architectural CAD Operator 18 $1,242
CRT1 Architectural Paraprofessional 30 $2,070
OSA Architectural Technology 9 $621


  • Tuition is based on in-state, in-county rates.
  • Totals do not include textbooks and other materials.

Continuing Education Programs

Time commitments and fees vary depending on the course.

Earn More Choices & More Money

Transfer to a college or university to continue your studies. Earning a bachelor’s degree opens the door to career and promotion opportunities.

Next steps

Start on Your Pathway!


South Campus

Mike Shannon

Call 817-515-4547


Updated March 01, 2024