Board Members

The IRB attempts to review proposals within four weeks of their receipt. Proposals submitted during the summer or during District holidays may be delayed.

Because proposals may need to be revised prior to IRB approval, researchers should allow sufficient time for the IRB to re-review proposals. TCCD’s IRB meets on an as needed basis and meetings can be conducted in person or via telephone conferences.

Representative members serve 3-year terms.

IRB Board Members

Robert (Bob) Lorick, CIP
IRB Chair
Privacy Officer, CIPP

Colin Jenney, Ph.D.
Faculty Representative
Professor of Psychology
TCCD Southeast Campus

Vernetta Burkhalter, Ed.D.
Academic Affairs Representative
Manager of Career and Technical Education (CATE) Center
TCCD Southeast Campus

Rosalyn Walker, Ed.D.
Academic Affairs Representative
District Director of Academic Operations/Student Learning & Success

Jann Miles
Community Representative
Strategic Planning Unit Director
Workforce Solutions for Tarrant County

Abbie Arellano, M.S.
Research Analyst
Institutional Research
TCCD Trinity River Campus

Alternate Members

Mervil Johnson
Community Representative
Workforce Collaboration Manager
Workforce Solutions for Tarrant County

About Alternate Members

The HHS regulations at 45 CFR part 46 do not address the designation of alternate IRB members. However, for many years, the OHRP has permitted organizations submitting IRB registrations to identify alternate members for primary members.

When reviewing rosters that include alternate members, OHRP assumes that with respect to the capacity in which the primary IRB member was intended to serve, each alternate IRB member has experience, expertise, background, professional competence, and knowledge comparable to that of the primary IRB member whom the alternate would replace.

The minutes of an IRB meeting should document the attendance of all primary and alternate IRB members who attended any part of the IRB meeting. If both a primary IRB member and his or her alternate(s) attend the same IRB meeting, OHRP assumes that the primary member is acting as the official voting member of the IRB for review of research protocols, unless the minutes clearly indicate otherwise. A designated alternate IRB member for a primary IRB member may substitute for the primary IRB member for an entire meeting or at any time during a meeting.

Substitution during a meeting commonly occurs when the primary member is (a) absent from the room for part of the meeting, or (b) recused from review of certain research protocols because the primary IRB member has a conflicting interest with respect to a specific research protocol. Whenever this occurs, the minutes of the IRB meeting should indicate clearly that the alternate IRB member has replaced the designated primary IRB member.

OHRP recommends that the reason for the substitution of the alternate IRB member also should be documented in the minutes.

Updated May 09, 2024