Red Flags and Indicators
The following are red flags, warning signs and indicators, associated with school shootings in the United States. Look for individuals who:
- Convey violent fantasies in their writings and drawings, as well in as their reading and viewing materials, often engaging in role-playing acts of violence and degradation.
- Have difficulty controlling anger, who make threats, or who have a fascination with weapons.
- Practice and boast of fighting and combat proficiency such as in military tactics, sharp- shooting, and/or martial arts.
- Are loners, isolated, socially withdrawn, and/or markedly antisocial.
- Display suicidal ideation.
- Display homicidal ideation.
- Display stalking behavior.
- Display non-compliance and disciplinary problems.
- Display imitation of other murders.
- Express interest in previous shootings.
- Portray a victim/martyr self-concept.
- Exhibit strangeness and aberrant behavior.
- Exhibit paranoia.
- Engage in violence and cruelty.
- Maintain an expressionless face/anaerobia.
- Have an unusual interest in police and military.
- Display an unusual interest in terrorist activities and materials.
Updated January 20, 2023